Understanding God’s Love is one of the best ways to live a good life. The sad part is, quite a number of believers have not fully understood the concept of God’s love.
Even though it is plainly written in the scriptures, some people do not understand how God’s love greatly benefits them.
One of the stories in the Bible that portrays God’s love is the story of the prodigal son. The story implies that no matter how far or well an individual has strayed in sin, God is always ready to accept us back with open arms.
In understanding God’s love, there are some basic steps that should be implemented. First off, it is needed for the individual to seek repentance. Often times, people who do not understand God’s love are not actually living right with him.
Hence, when you repent, the feeling of guilt and unrighteousness is taken off you. And you will always look forward to reaping the benefits of being God’s son.
After repentance, the next step to understanding God’s love is to improve your fellowship with God. It is challenging for a son who is not close to the father to make certain requests. One of the ways we can be bold enough to approach God and lay our requests is if we’re in touch with him.
To improve your fellowship with God, it is imperative for you to always pray and read your Bible on a regular ways. These are essential in knowing more about God, and the plans he has for the world at certain times.
Typically, God will commit some huge assignments into the hands of people he trusts. And these are people who are always in tune with him.
Lastly, it is needed for you to always be in the midst of brethren. When you spend ample time with the brethren, you are strengthened to do God’s will. The disciples of the old broke bread together always, and it essential for the church of today to regularly imbibe this act.